Final Part 2

  • Due Mar 17 at 11:59pm
  • Points 20
  • Questions 11
  • Time Limit 100 Minutes


Final Exam

The questions are a mix of multiple choice and short answer and the information is taken from all the lectures, videos and assignments in the modules. 


To assess the following objectives: 

  • Understand the skills required of professionals in nutrition, dietetics and foodservice management
  • Describe the academic and field experience requirements of professionals in nutrition, dietetics and foodservice management
  • Exhibit professional behaviors and explain the ethical responsibilities of professionals in the field


You have one attempt to take the quiz and 100 minutes to complete it.  Answer every question then hit submit quiz and the correct answers will appear. The Canvas Student Guide provides instructions for taking a quiz (Links to an external site.).

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes