EXAM #1: DUE 2/25

  • Due Feb 25 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 5
  • Available Feb 22 at 12am - Feb 25 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes



There are images in this exam. The images are viewable and accessible. It is your responsibility to make sure that your computer and your internet bandwidth is such that these images will open. To that end, make sure right now that you are using Google Chrome as your web browser. Chrome is the preferred browser for CANVAS. If you already use Chrome, update the version of Chrome now.

If you choose not to use Chrome despite my recommendations, then please update the version of your current browser right now.

Lastly, make sure you are using high-speed internet with enough bandwidth to download the material and the images. If the images don't readily appear, move on to other questions and give it a couple of minutes for them to download onto your screen.

This does happen on occasion every semester, but only to 2-3 students out of 180 students................meaning it's due to operator error...........not Canvas.

Now............on to the exam:

This midterm covers material in chapters 1-3 and is meant to survey your understanding of course content.

There are a total of 5 questions, each with multiple parts. You will have two hours to complete the exam. If you have earnestly worked on the study guide and have followed along week to week in this course, you should have no problems with the exam.

You are on your own to ensure that this exam is taken without the aid of any textbook, notes, google or any other medium. If I learn of any cheating, the burden will be on you to prove that it did not happen. Do not be tempted to access websites that provide answers to questions such as chegg, quizlet, coursehero and others, I have access to these as an instructor and am allowed to search for student participants.

Some of you will inevitably cheat and there is a good chance that I will find out. It happens in all online classes every semester. Do not be shocked when you are caught. To save you the time & effort of doing so, I have changed enough of the questions that if you find them online, they will be useless to you unless you know the material, in which case you wouldn't need to cheat.

The Canvas Student Guide provides instructions for taking an examination.

Lastly, have scratch paper and a calculator on hand to help you answer questions.



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