#3 GRADED EXERCISE SET (1-11, 1-4,

  • Due Apr 15 at 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Questions 25
  • Available Apr 11 at 5pm - Apr 16 at 1:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


No time limit except the Monday deadline. Don’t rush through it. You can even answer some questions, navigate away from it (without submitting) and return later to pick up where you left off.

Due MONDAY. Since you have 96+ hours to get it done, no late work will be accepted. Leave yourself time to work out any technical glitches that might come up with submitting online. "The computer ate my homework" will not be accepted as an excuse for missing or late homework.

Two submissions allowed. Your grade will be the AVERAGE of the two scores. Work carefully. There is no time limit for completion other than the submission deadline.

—> Keep track of the answers you get right on the first attempt, so you’ll get them right on the second attempt. The second attempt gives you a second chance for the questions you missed on the first attempt.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes