PRACTICE: Ad Hominem, Scarecrow, Argument from a Source

  • Due Apr 11 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


  • Practice exercises are online instructional material. Repeat them, study them, and look for my comments on each problem as you review your submission.
  • Does not go on “your permanent record,” aka course grade average. Just for practice, learning, review.
  • Repeat Often! Canvas keeps only your highest score.
  • Complete BEFORE GRADED HOMEWORK. Practice is beneficial to you only before you do the graded exercises on the same material (duh!)
  • Read my comments/explanations with some questions after you submit.

Review at any time. Practice Exercise Sets have no deadline programmed into Canvas, so you can review them at any point up to Finals Week.