Quiz - Barton Ch. 2 & 3

  • Due Aug 27, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Points 1
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


Read Barton Ch. 2 Relaxed Readiness

Pay special attention to these parts:

Pages 34-37 - Stage Fright
Pages 38-51 - Physical Warm Ups
Pages 52-62 - Breathing Warm Ups

Read Barton Ch. 3 Individual Inventory

Pay special attention to these parts:
Page 64 - Body Awareness
Page 65 - Habits
Page 69 - Cultural Binding
Page 79-80 - Vocal Awareness | Tempo, Articulation, Pronunciation, Pitch, Volume, Word Choice, Vocal Nonverbals 
Page 87 - Personal Awareness

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