Final Exam - COMPLETE BY 12/15 11:59PM!!!

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 44
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes


Your final is an online exam similar to the midterm. One attempt only, two hours long, your choice of when you want to do this (so long as it is before Friday night). BY TAKING THIS ONLINE EXAM, YOU CONSENT TO NOT SHARE ANY QUESTIONS OR FILES WITH ANYONE ELSE.

Have a calculator and scratch paper on hand. Do your best to make sure that you're in an internet stable, ergonomic, and distraction-free environment for two hours. 

BEFORE YOU BEGIN: Open up your choice of flowchart drawing tool on your computer and make sure it's ready to go before you start the timer. I also recommend you open up the folder location of your saved work as well in order to avoid any delay in uploading your block diagrams. If you plan on hand-drawing your block diagrams, make sure whatever technique you use to scan your drawing into the computer is also ready to go.

Maximize your browser window during this test so that you can see the exam sidebar on the right. The sidebar allows you to freely hop between questions, see which ones you've answered, and see how much time you have left. Always scroll down to make sure that you're seeing all the content for each question. On the left side of the title bar of each question is an icon you can use to bookmark your question and come back later.

The timer starts when you click on the big blue button below. Good luck! Remember to breathe.

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