• Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 50
  • Time Limit None


You will have the entire class time to complete this exam. The exam has 50 multiple choice questions, each worth 2 points for a total of 100 points. You may quietly leave once you are done. Take your time and read the questions carefully and each answer option before making a final decision. Trust yourself, you've got this.

Take a deep breath, you will do great! 


It is expected that you will take this exam on your own and not use the textbook or internet to help you. If you leave the Canvas site to look something up on the internet, that move is noted in Canvas. This is considered a form of academic dishonesty and your quiz grade will be an F. 

Academic Honesty: 

Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, impersonation, misrepresentation of idea or fact for the purpose of defrauding, use of unauthorized aids or devices, falsifying attendance records, violation of testing protocol, inappropriate course assignment collaboration, and any other acts that are prohibited by the instructor of record.

  1. Conduct yourself in a manner that encourages mutual respect, honorable behavior, and learning, thereby promoting student success and discouraging academic dishonesty.
  2. Learn and understand the course requirements, grading procedures, and rules and expectations for acceptable conduct and behavior in each of your classes, including definitions of plagiarism and the ethical use of technology.
  3. Learn and understand SRJC policy (3.11) on Academic Integrity and the Student Conduct Code, which is in the SRJC catalog and part of Policy 8.2.8, Student Discipline and how these policies will be applied in your classes.
  4. Learn and understand your rights to due process should you wish to contest an allegation or penalty made by an instructor or other representative of the college.


Santa Rosa Junior College holds that its primary function is the development of intellectual curiosity, integrity, and accomplishment in an atmosphere that upholds the principles of academic freedom. All members of the academic community - student, faculty, staff, and administrator - must assume responsibility for providing an environment of the highest standards, characterized by a spirit of academic honesty and mutual respect. Because personal accountability is inherent in an academic community of integrity, this institution will not tolerate or ignore any form of academic dishonesty.

Academic dishonesty is regarded as any act of deception, benign or malicious in nature, in the completion of any academic exercise. Examples of academic dishonesty include cheating, plagiarism, impersonation, misrepresentation of idea or fact for the purpose of defrauding, use of unauthorized aids or devices, falsifying attendance records, violation of testing protocol, inappropriate course assignment collaboration, and any other acts that are prohibited by the instructor of record.


  1. Conduct yourself in a manner that encourages mutual respect, honorable behavior, and learning, thereby promoting student success and discouraging academic dishonesty.
  2. Learn and understand the course requirements, grading procedures, and rules and expectations for acceptable conduct and behavior in each of your classes, including definitions of plagiarism and the ethical use of technology.
  3. Learn and understand SRJC policy (3.11) on Academic Integrity and the Student Conduct Code, which is in the SRJC catalog and part of Policy 8.2.8, Student Discipline and how these policies will be applied in your classes.
  4. Learn and understand your rights to due process should you wish to contest an allegation or penalty made by an instructor or other representative of the college.

These procedures focus on academic integrity in the context of the instructor-student relationship in the setting of an instructional program. Instructor obligations are further delineated in Policy 3.9 Instructor's Obligation to the Student. Appropriate student conduct is further delineated in The Student Conduct Code, which is part of SRJC Policy 8.2.8 and is published in the SRJC Catalog.

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