Greenhouse Effect

  • Due May 1, 2023 at 12pm
  • Points 7
  • Questions 7
  • Available Jan 7, 2023 at 12am - May 14, 2023 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 3


The Greenhouse Effect | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids

 Greenhouse Effect


Greenhouses have walls and roofs made of glass. Sunlight (visible and UV wavelengths)  passes through the glass, but the heat and warmth (infrared wavelength) that the sunlight creates can not escape back through the glass. This traps the heat in the building making it warmer than the outside temperatures.  This same phenomenon is what happens on a sunny day to your car.


The gases in the earth's atmosphere function in exactly the same way,  trapping the heat (infrared wavelengths).



In general, this is a good thing, since otherwise the history of earth would have been too cold for life as we know it!  There are three main greenhouse gases:

          • Water vapor  (H2O)
          • Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
          • Methane (CH4

But what happens if we increase the amount of these gases in the atmosphere?  Could we make the planet TOO Warm?

Below is a video that explains the greenhouse effect.   Watch all this video n order, to understand what is happening when the suns energy enters the atmosphere, hits the earth and is reradiated back towards the atmosphere, and how certain gases in the atmosphere are good at trapping some of that heat energy.  














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