Module 6 Assignment
- Due May 14, 2023 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
- File Types doc, docx, pdf, xls, and jpg
Instructions: Respond to the questions and prompts below. Be sure to use your best college writing and spell-check your assignment before submitting. You may submit this assignment as either a Text Entry or by Uploading a Word or PDF file. For step-by-step illustrated instructions on how to submit this assignment, see How do I submit an online assignment? Links to an external site.
After reading the 2 articles Design Your Own Pilates and 6 Tricks to Improve Your At Home Pilates Practice please number 1 -3 and answer the following questions:
1. List 3 things you should do before designing your program, and based on your answers, describe how that would make a difference in the benefits of an at home program. (3 points)
2. Reflecting on this semester in KFIT Pilates Mat: What specifically about the class did you like the most? What was most challenging, physically, mentally, emotionally? What activities that we did together or topics we discussed would you like to continue working with and apply in your life? What ideas do you have for doing that? (5 points)
3. Realistically, after the class is over, how many times per week and how many minutes per session will you continue to work out ? What steps would you take to keep your motivation up? (2 points)