Course Syllabus Agreement

  • Due Jan 23, 2022 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 1
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Course Syllabus




The course syllabus is my contract with you for the operation of this course. This includes the grading policy and all course requirements. It is critical that you be thoroughly familiar with the syllabus.

The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that you understand the requirements of this course as detailed in the course syllabus before you begin the course work.

Knowing what is required offers you the best chance of success in this class.


The is an acknowledgement of the course requirements and you agreement to follow the syllabus and all of the major policies described in it. Be sure to read the entire syllabus completely before completing this agreement.  This is a scored activity and you must pass this assessment with a score of 100% to continue in the course.

If you have any questions about the meaning of any part of the syllabus, please reach out with a message using the Canvas Inbox.  The link is on the far left side of this screen.

This quiz is worth 10 points. You must score 100% in order to move forward in the course. 


When you have completed the quiz to the best of your ability, click the "Submit Quiz" button located at the bottom right of the screen. 

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Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes