Chapter 3 End Page
Today, global revolutions are under way in many areas of our lives: management, politics, communications, and technology. The word global has assumed a new meaning, referring to a boundless mobility and competition in social, business, and intellectual arenas. The purpose of this chapter was to explain how global trade is conducted. We also discussed the barriers to international trade and the organizations that foster global trade. The chapter concluded with trends in the global marketplace.
- A good starting place for help in doing business in foreign markets is the U.S. government’s export portal. Here you will find links to export basics, regulations, exchange rates, country and industry research, and much more.
- For links to a wealth of statistics on world trade, go to the U.S. International Trade Administration’s (ITA) Office of Trade and Economic Analysis website,
- Check out the current U.S. balance of trade with various countries at
- Get up-to-the-minute exchange rates at
- The World Trade Organization tracks the latest trade developments between countries and regions around the world. For the most recent global trading news, visit the WTO’s website at
- Gain additional insight into the workings of the International Monetary Fund at
- For the latest information about NAFTA, visit
- Think you’d like to work overseas? For information about jobs in foreign countries, visit
Looking Ahead
Next week we will cover Forms of Business Ownership.