Fall 2020 Exam #3

  • Due No due date
  • Points 200
  • Questions 16
  • Available Dec 17, 2020 at 6:59am - Dec 17, 2020 at 10am 3 hours and 1 minute
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes


Please read the following carefully -The exam is worth 200 points not 158. 

This is a closed-book exam. The use of notes, computer, or cell phones are not allowed during the exam.  The only time you may use your phone or computer is to email me for clarification.

Please know that I take academic honesty seriously.  If I suspect that cheating has occurred, I reserve the right to follow up with that student through a one-on-one Zoom meeting to have them walk me through their answer to the exam question or a similar question.  If I find ANY of the exam questions posted to online "tutoring" sites or forums, those questions may be thrown out for the entire class and change the point values for the remaining questions. And the student responsible for posting will automatically get a zero for the exam and will be reported to the SRJC Dean of Student Services.

There are 25 questions on this exam.  Questions 1~15 are multiple-choice questions, and Questions 16~25 are to be done on a different sheet of paper (Don't forget to show your work!).  When you are done with the exam, you are to upload a pdf file of all of your work (your exam and scratch paper).

You have 120 minutes to complete and upload this exam.  If you have any questions during the exam, don't panic just drop into office hours zoom where I will be at just in case. 

Good luck!

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