Types of Introductions Quiz

  • Due Apr 17, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 4
  • Questions 4
  • Time Limit None


This quiz asks you to evaluate the types of introductions used by a series of  authors.  For each question, I'll ask you to read the first several paragraphs, or the first section of the article in order to determine which type of introduction (or types of introductions, because they may use 2 or more), is being used.

The quiz is meant to be instructional (if you complete it, you get full-credit no matter how many you get right—I'll adjust the grades accordingly after the due date).  Instead of focusing on your score, focus on learning something about how professional authors use the different types of introductions.  Please read my explanations of the correct answers to get a better sense of the author's introduction strategy.

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