Maps Week 12
Maps for Week 12
Explore and use these as study and review resources, some of the maps will be helpful in completing the Map Quiz assignments.
To see some of the maps, you may need to click to activate them.
*These are interactive maps made with Flash and may not work well on screen readers for the disabled user. Contact instructor for alternative.
Choose an interactive map from the list below and click on the active layers of information within the map or at the bottom of each map.
- Roman Expansion in Italy, 485–265 BCE Links to an external site.
- The Further Expansion of Rome, 264–244 BCE Links to an external site.
- Roman Expansion to 120 CE Links to an external site.
- Afro-Eurasian Trade, c. 150 CE Links to an external site.
- Roman Empire, 117 CE Links to an external site.
- Pax Romana: The Roman Empire in the Second Century CE Links to an external site.
- Population of Roman World in 362 CE Links to an external site.