Exam # 1 Review, Hist 1.1
Hist 1.1, World Civilizations
Exam # 1 will be administered on Feb 26
Please read all instructions carefully!!
- You may not use notes, your book, or your phone for this exam.
- The exam will be divided into 3 parts, one will be an online quiz posted on canvas, and the other two parts you will complete in class.
- Bring a Green Book: Bring a large Greenbook (available at the campus bookstore) not the small one, and a blue or black ink pen. DO NOT WRITE ON THE GREENBOOK AT ALL, NOT EVEN YOUR NAME!
I. Multiple choice or True/False (10 pts):
There will be a Multiple Choice-True/False component to this exam, similar to your quizzes. This will be posted on Canvas and will be due the same week as the exam.
II. Terms to identify (25 pts):
you will be required to provide at least 5 relevant facts about each of these items to get 5 points. It would be best to study them by writing the five W’s for each one: Who, What,When, Where, Why and most importantly you must include the historical relevance of each item—if you do not include historical relevance you will not get more than four points. Please write a well-developed paragraph using complete sentences for each, not just a date, name, and place. DO NOT SIMPLY LIST INFORMATION!
I will ask you to identify 5 of the following terms, I will choose which five:
- Pastoralism
- Hominids
- Sumer
- Catal Huyuk
- Standard of Ur
- Cuneiform
- Hieroglyphs
- Hammurapi
- Indo-Europeans
- Sea Peoples
- Phoenicians
- Assyrian Empire
- Harappa
- Asoka
- Buddhism
- Jainism
- Caste System
- Vedas
- Mandate of Heaven
- Confucianism
- Legalism
III. Critical Thinking Questions (25 pts):
I will ask you to write well-structured paragraphs, like you do in your homework, in which you will be answering questions and providing evidence to support your answers—please answer all sections of each question. Please be careful with your spelling so that I may understand your point and I can give you full credit.
You will answer 5 questions based on this list of topics; the choice will be mine so please be prepared to answer all of them.
- Sumerian Civilization
- Egyptian Civilization
- Harappan Civilization
- Phoenicians and Hebrews
- Religion and society of Ancient India
- Chinese Philosophy
- Zhou Dynasty
- Qin Empire