Exam Guidelines and Rubric, 1.1 MW

Exam Guidelines:

Your Midterm and Final Exams will consist of three sections.

Section I: Multiple Choice/True-False questions will be posted on Canvas and will be due during exam week.

Section II: Key Terms. You will define five Key Terms using the same guidelines as the homework. Provide at least 5 relevant facts about them.  It would be best to write the five W’s for each one: Who, What, When, Where, and Why. Finally, you must include the historical relevance of each item—if you do not include historical relevance you will not get the full points.  Please use complete sentences not just a date, name, and place.  DO NOT SIMPLY LIST INFORMATION!!

Section III: Critical Thinking Questions. I will ask you five comprehensive Critical Thinking Questions based on the material we have covered in the weeks prior to the exam and you will provide answers for each using complete sentences. Each answer should be 1-2 paragraphs long.


Rubric for Grading Exams:

Assignment: Critical Thinking Questions and Key Term Definitions


Points: 1

Points: 2

Points: 3

Points: 4

Points: 5


Critical Thinking Questions




Did not examine the issue at all. Attempted to answer questions but the answer was incorrect and there was no use of text, videos, or web resources.

Attempted to examine the issue and answer questions but it was incomplete and there was no use of text, videos, or web resources.

Correctly examined the issues and answered questions but not in a clear and complete manner and/or provided little support from text, videos, or web resources.

Correctly examined the issues and answered questions completely and clearly but did not provide complete support from text, videos, or web resources.

Correctly examined the issues and answered questions completely and clearly. Used text, videos, and web resources to support answers.


Key Terms




Only provided one correct basic fact and did not make any reference to historical relevance.

Provided two correct facts and did not make any reference to historical relevance.

Provided some basic facts but did not demonstrate clear understanding of historical relevance.

Provided most of the important facts and clearly demonstrated understanding of the historical relevance of the Key Terms.

Provided all of the required important facts and clearly demonstrated understanding of the historical relevance of the Key Terms.