Getting Started: Welcome to History 1.1!
In this "Getting Started" module, you will familiarize yourself with online learning expectations for this course and get to know your classmates. This module gives you the chance to "test run" the course, ask questions, and have fun!
Week 1 Schedule: Introduction
To reach the goals for this module, you'll need to complete the following activities:
Due Dates | Activities |
1. Watch the video "Navigating your CANVAS course" and explore the pages. Click the Next button on the lower right of this page | |
2. Explore the following pages: "Roadmap to Success in Online Learning", "Support for Students Learning Online", "Canvas Video Guides for Students" | |
3. Read the Syllabus: click on Syllabus in the navigation menu on the left and explore the Guidelines and Rubrics for Homework, Discussion, and Exams | |
1/21/18 | 4. Introduce yourself, respond to classmates, and meet your instructor in the Check-In Discussion. Complete the Class Intro Quiz. |
5. Get started on Week 1: click on Modules and click on "Week 1 Schedule." |
If you're successful in this module, you'll be able to:
- Navigate the Canvas site
- Read the Syllabus
- Locate resources and assignments
- Interact with classmates in the Check-In Discussion
Every module in Canvas can be navigated by the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the bottom of each page.
You can see an overview of the entire course at any time by clicking the Modules link on the left.