Grading Rubric:

Quantity of Posts: 5/5

Quality of Initial Post: 10/10

Quality of Engagement with Others: 5/5

Writing Mechanics: 5/5



Quantity of Posts: 5/5

*In order to receive the full point for participation, students must make all required posts. This is in keeping with the expectation for completeness of work for students.

Quality of Initial Post: 10/10

*There is an expectation of quality with regard to substantive content which can be assessed by how well they engage the relevant materials and/or content.  Are they able to perform a brief summary when necessary?  Are they able to create a critical assessment of the material ?

Quality of Engagement with Others: 5/5

*Students should be capable of creating engagement with their fellow classmates, even in instances where there is disagreement on a topic.  The expectation is that students will produce professional, respectful, and probing engagement on the posts of their peers in much the same style as they would experience in a seated classroom. 

 Writing Mechanics: 4/4

*This component specifically addresses whether or not a student is able to create a post that can be read and understood easily by others.  This rests on their proficiency with grammar, spelling, and punctuation.  Students should also be able to make use of appropriate stylistic formats, such as MLA or APA, when referencing course materials to support their points.

General Expectations: 

You should post an initial answer to the discussion question by Wednesday each week. Discussion should be active all week – not just on weekends. I expect your postings to incorporate responses to your peers, your opinions, pertinent information from the readings, and examples from your experience.

 It is reasonable for me to expect that your responses will include more than phrases such as "I agree with that" or "Interesting comment." The distinguishing feature of a well done posting is an objective and critical analysis of what you read. Your postings should feature good writing, including correct spelling and mechanics. We judge one another substantially by the quality, clarity and depth of our writing. All communication should be professional and should use good "netiquette."

Respect others' ideas and opinions. Feel free to disagree, but express your disagreement in a respectful manner. Disrespectful communication is poor communication. In this environment, it will be regarded as inexcusable.