Quiz # 8, 4.1 MW: Crisis of the 14th Century

  • Due Dec 1, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Points 10
  • Questions 15
  • Available until Dec 1, 2016 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit 15 Minutes


Quiz # 8:

Due Dec 4 at 11:59 pm. This is a Multiple Choice-True/False quiz. You must complete the quiz by the end of the day on the due date. It is recommended that you take the quiz the day before it is due so you may have a bit of review from readings and class and in case of any issue or conflict.


To evaluate student's knowledge of the 14th Century.


  • You have 15 minutes to complete the quiz by the due date and you have only 1 attempt.
  • Be sure to read your textbook, your notes, and watch this week's videos before you attempt this assignment.
  • Do not use your phone or tablet to take the quiz!
  • There is no option to turn this in late! 
  • Click on the Take Quiz Icon icon and begin the quiz, pay attention to the timer so that you will not run out of time!
  • Make sure you click on the Submit Quiz Icon icon once you are done.
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